It's Blogger's Bloom Day and I've mostly pinks in the garden this month. I do like pinks and purples. Up at the community garden at Antrim Castle Salvia Purple Majesty is making a gorgeous display planted alongside Verbena - this is a combination I will have to introduce to my own garden (3rd photo shown below).
Here's a little tour of some of the blooms this month. The colours of summer are still showing in the garden, however, it won't be long until frost and things will change quite a bit. The bottom photo shows more Autumn looking colours with oranges and yellows.
Left: Two Echinacea plants were added to the garden this year.
L to R: Echinacea, Rose, Sedum Autumn Joy, Fushia Tom Thumb. |
Above: Verbena planted with Salvia Purple Majesty at the Community Garden. |
Above: Phlox, rose and leek flowers. Below: Phlox. |
Above and Below: The star plant for Autumn - Sedum Autumn Joy. I'm hoping to add new varieties of sedum to the garden as they're such great plants and easy to divide and make new plants. |
L to R: Sunflower*, Nasturtium Tutti Frutti*, Crocosmia, Calendula* with Petunias. (* = grown from seed). |
The 15th of each month is Blogger's Bloom Day hosted by May Dreams Gardens. If you'd like to see blooms from around the world click here.
Happy Blogger's Bloom Day!
Copyright: All words and photos are property of Kelli's Northern Ireland Garden.