Ever have a plant in your garden you wonder...
is that a weed? Or maybe a wonderful new plant has made it into the garden?
was quite happy with a little plant with yellow flowers....
Lesser Celandine (thanks bloggers for helping identify this plant). Our local conservation charity calls it a wildflower however other websites call it a troublesome weed. I was content with my little 'wildfower' until this year - it has made its way into four different areas of the garden. Wonder do those little plants have legs that walk across the garden at night?
... so suddenly
Lesser Celandine seems more invasive and less flower! The other day I dug out about 3xs the amount pictured. I've a feeling I'll be digging it out every Spring for the next few years.
So now I have another little plant, slightly prettier than the Lesser Celandine, coming up...
Any takers what this might be? Its in flower at the minute. Its leaves are slightly varigated, which don't show very well in the photos.
In my mind, its a lovely wildflower! But it
has taken over a 'wild' area of the garden plus it's in one of the flower borders, happily expanding.

To weed or not to weed?