Its been chilly and a good few nights of light frost, however, there's still a good display of colour in the garden and only the hostas seem to be completely finished. Most other plants seem quite keen to keep going.
Here's a little snapshot of what's in flower for Blogger's Bloom Day, hosted by May Dreams Gardens.
Left: Aster with Sedum Autumn Joy.
Above: flower border with sedum, verbena, roses, and forget-me-not still in flower. I was hoping the geranium would show a 2nd flowering but most aren't accommodating this. Kale and leek mixed into the border. Below: A closer look at the Forget Me Not (annual) grown from seed. The masses of green around the blue flowering plants are Poached Egg Plant which show some signs of flowering. |
Above: Sedum Autumn Joy are spread throughout the garden. I divide plants and don't want to waste them so they get spread here, there and everywhere. Below: A closer look at the sedum and verbena. |
Above: Nerine bulbs were divided this year. |
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Above and below: I always forget the name of this plant - schizostylis coccinea. I dug out half this plant in the Summer and this seemed to have given it a much needed boost as last year it had a poor show of flowers and this year it's looking good with lots of buds. Does anyone know another name for this plant (easier to remember)? |
Above: Fuchsia Tom Thumb is flowering well and lots of buds. |
Above and Below: A bit more Autumn looking - grasses and crocosmia. Crocosmia seem to flower forever. They multiply like crazy too. |
Blogger's Bloom Day!
Blogger's Bloom Day is
hosted by May Dream Gardens and bloggers share their
blooms from across the globe.
Copyright: All words and photos are property of Kelli's Northern Ireland Garden.