Growing from Seed - 2012
Updates / Previous Years Sown:
Parsley 'Plain Leaved 2' (Hardy Perennial), Mr Fothergill's, 1000 seeds, £1.65. Sown indoor 4 may 2012 / modules: didn't germinate. Sown indoor June 2012.2013 update: over winters well and get a small supply of parsley in Spring.
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) 'Intermediate Mixed', (Half Hardy Annual), Carters Tested Seeds, 2400 seeds, 79pence. (grew in 2011).
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) 'Royal Bride', white flowers, (Half Hardy Annual), Thompson Morgan Seeds, 500 seeds, £1.99. Sown indoor 8 April 2012; slow to grow.
Updates / Previous Years Sown:
Aubretia Springtime Mix. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 2 per module. 2013 update: plants continue to thrive and bulk out more in 2nd year.
Celery, Plant Hart's Seeds, US$2.29. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 4 per module x 8 indoor. Planted out in late June; very slow growth. 2013 update: Plants very poor and small in Summer 2012; left them in ground to over Winter and will see if they grow to harvest Spring / Summer 2013.
Fennel (Hardy Perennial), Mr Fothergill's, 250 seeds, £1.69. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 1 per module x 8. Plants grew very quickly/ very tall in 1st year. 2013 update: Growing strong again in 2nd year.
Nemophila 'Pennie Black' (Hardy Annual) Thompson Morgan Seeds. 2011 plants self seeded for an early Spring display in 2012. Flowers better following year as bigger impact. 2013 update: some self seeding from previous year but a bit poorly looking.
Pak Choi 'Colour and Crunch F1' Mr Fothergills, 175 seeds, £1.69. Sown 4 May 2012 outside / tub. 2013 update: plants survived winter outdoors but look small and poorly.Parsley 'Plain Leaved 2' (Hardy Perennial), Mr Fothergill's, 1000 seeds, £1.65. Sown indoor 4 may 2012 / modules: didn't germinate. Sown indoor June 2012.2013 update: over winters well and get a small supply of parsley in Spring.

Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) 'Royal Bride', white flowers, (Half Hardy Annual), Thompson Morgan Seeds, 500 seeds, £1.99. Sown indoor 8 April 2012; slow to grow.
Amaranthus 'Pony Tails', (Half Hardy Annual), Thompson Morgan Seeds, 1000 seeds. (grew in 2011)(Did not grow 2012).
Aster. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 (very poor germination).
Aubergine / Egg Plant 'Early Long Purple 3'. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 3 per pot x 2; potted on 17 June 2012. Grown in warm glass house with good ventilation.
Aubretia Springtime Mix. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 2 per module.
Basil 'Sweet', Carters Tested Seeds, 600 seeds, 79p. Sown indoor May; June 2012.
Basil 'Sweet Genovese' (Half Hardy Annual), Mr Fothergills, 650 seeds.
Bean 'Dwarf Purple Queen', Mr Fothergills, 100 seeds £2.35. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 1 per module x 8. Sown 20 March 2012 in pots. Sown 5 June 2012.
Bean 'Cobra', Mr Fothergills, 75 seeds, £2.89. Sown 8 April 2012 outside x 8; did not germinate. Sown indoor 20 March 2012 /pots.
Bean 'Scarlet Emperor' (climbing), Suttons Seeds, £1.19 (reduced to 20p). Sown 20 March 2012 / pots. Sown 5 June 2012. Plants sown later were stronger (weather conditions in June not good for planting out).

Broccoli Romanesco, Thompson Morgan Seeds.(Did not grow 2012).
Broccoli 'Annual Summer Sprouting', Thompson Morgan Seeds. Sown 4 May 2012 2/module indoor. Quick to flower; something I struggle to grow.
Cabbage 'Golden Acre/Primo III', Mr Fothergill's, 500 seeds, £1.45.(Did not grow 2012).
Calendula 'Orange King', (Hardy Annual), Carters Tested Seeds, 150 seeds, 79pence. Sown indoor 8 April 2012; planted outside June 2012.
Canterbury Bells (Hardy Biennial), Thompson Morgan, 850 seeds, £1.99. Sown indoor in 2011; moved to pots outside Summer 2011. Spring 2012 moved to final position in borders. Plants flowered in full twice by early Sept and look to flower again as more buds developing.
Carrot 'James Scarlet Intermediate', Mr Fothergill's, 2000 seeds, £1.45. Sown 22 May 2012 outside direct in wheelbarrow. Had to resow because of poor germination.
Carrot 'Early Nantes 2' Thompson Morgan, 1,000 seeds. Sown outside 20 March 2012 / yellow tub. Sown 20 May 2012 / tub. Sown 22 May 2012 outside/direct/wheelbarrow. Sown outside 31 May 2012 veg box.
Celeriac 'Monarch', (easier to grow than celery), Mr Fothergill's, 250 seeds, £1.65. (grew in 2011)
Celery, Plant Hart's Seeds, US$2.29. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 4 per module x 8 indoor. Planted out in late June; very slow growth.
Chard 'Bright Lights', Mr Fotehrgill's, 150 seeds, £2.29. (grew in 2010)(Did not grow 2012).
Chillis (hot) - Pepper (Hot) Cayenne, Mr Fothergill's, 60 seeds, £1.89. (grew in 2011)(Did not grow 2012).
Cineraria 'Maritima Silverdust' (Half Hardy Annual), Carters Tested Seeds, 130 seeds, 79p. Sown 8 April 2012 indoor. (Note: Seeds sown in March 2011 never died down over Winter; growing very tall Spring 2012; looking to flower June 2012). Great plant!
Coriander (Hardy Annual), Carters Tested Seeds, 150 seeds, 79pence. Sown indoor 14 April 2012; bolted after several weeks. Sown June 2012. Quick to bolt; conditions must be wrong.
Cornflower 'Blue Bell' (Hardy Annual), Mr Fothergills, 250 seeds, £1.89. Height: up to 30". Sown outside 14 April 2012 direct into ground. Grew well!
Courgette (yellow zucchini) 'Soleil F1', Mr Fothergill's, 10 seeds, £2.39. Sown indoor 12 April 2012; 3 pots; did not germinate. Sown indoor 20 May 2012 2 pots/2seeds. Poor producer two years in a row!
Courgette (zucchini F1), Carters Tested Seeds, 20 seeds, 79p. Sown indoor 20 May 2012 (4 pots; 2 seeds); gave plant away.
Courgette 'All Green Bush', Kings Seeds. Sown 8 April 2012 indoor. Planted outside early June (yellow tub). Quite a 'hardy' courgette.
Cress 'Fine Curled', Mr Fothergill's Seeds, 4,000 seeds, £1.65.(Did not grow 2012).
Cucumber, Plant Hart's Seeds, US$2.29. Sown indoor 11 April 2012 2/pot; did not germinate. Yield in 2011 - 3 cucumbers. (Did not grow 2012).
Fennel (Hardy Perennial), Mr Fothergill's, 250 seeds, £1.69. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 1 per module x 8.
Forget Me Not, America Seed, 20cents. Sown indoor 12 April 2012; re-sown 19 May 2012; re-sown 24 May 2012.
Gaillardia 'Single Mix', (Hardy Perennial), Thompson Morgan Seeds. Sown 23 April 2012 in modules.
Gourd 'Butternut', Kings Seeds.Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 2 per pot x 2. 1 planted outside early June.
Gypsophila Elegans Covent Garden White, (Hardy Annual), Carters Tested Seeds, 1,800 seeds, 79p. Sown direct outside 14 April 2012 (calendula pot).
Kale 'Nero di Toscana', Mr Fothergill's, 400 seeds, £1.45. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 2 per module.
Kale Curly Scarlet, Mr Fothergill's. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 2 per module; planted outside early June 2012.
Lavatera. Sown indoor 8 April 2012.
Leek 'Musselburgh', Carters Tested Seeds, 350 seeds, 79pence. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 20 per pot.
Lettuce Leaf Salad Mixed, Carters Tested Seeds, 1,500 seeds, 79p.
Lettuce 'All Year Round', Mr Fothergills, 1250 seeds, £1.25. Sown outside 12 April 2012 / tub
Lettuce 'Little Gem', Mr Fothergill's, 1,250 seeds, £1.45. Sown outside 20 March 2012 / green tub.
Lychnis 'Dancing Ladies Mixed' (Hardy Perennial), Thompson Morgan, 200 seeds, £1.99. Sown 8 April 2012 indoor.
Malope Excelsior Mixed, (Hardy Annual), Caters Tested Seeds 200 seeds, 79p. (grew in 2011)
Mint, (Hardy Perennial), Carters Tested Seeds, 1,500 seeds, 79p. (grew in 2011)
Morning Glory 'Carnevale di Venezia', (Half Hardy Annual), Thompson Morgan Seeds, £1.99. Sown June 2012.
Nasturtium 'Dwarf Alaska Mixed Colours', American Seed, 20cents. Sown 10 April 2012 direct outside; no germiantion. Sown indoor 23 April 2012 and 22 May 2012 in pots.
Nasturtium Trailing Mixed, Mr Fothergill's, 35 seeds, 99pence. (grew in 2011)
Nemophila 'Pennie Black' (Hardy Annual) Thompson Morgan Seeds. 2011 plants self seeded for an early Spring display in 2012. Flowers better following year as bigger impact.
Nicotiana 'Evening Fragance', (Half Hardy Annual), Carters Tested Seeds, 1,800 seeds. 79p.
Nigella 'Persian Jewels Mixed' (Love in a mist), (Hardy Annual), Thompson Morgan Seeds,600 seeds. £1.99. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 in modules.
Pak Choi 'Colour and Crunch F1' Mr Fothergills, 175 seeds, £1.69. Sown 4 May 2012 outside / tub.
Parsley 'Plain Leaved 2' (Hardy Perennial), Mr Fothergill's, 1000 seeds, £1.65. Sown indoor 4 may 2012 / modules: didn't germinate. Sown indoor June 2012.
Parsley 'Moss Curled 2', Mr Fothergill's, 1000 seeds, £1.69. (grew in 2011; didn't like)
Parsnip, Carters Tested Seeds, 300 seeds, 79p. (grew in 2011)(Did not grow 2012).
Peas 'Kelvedon Wonder', Suttons Seeds, £1.19 (reduced to 20p). Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 1 per module x 8; only 1 germinated. Re-sown 20 May 2012; did not germinate. Sown 5 June 2012.
Pepper 'California Wonder', Thompson Morgan Seeds, £1.50. (grew in 2011)(Did not grow 2012).
Pepper 'Hot Cayenne', Mr Fothergills, 60 seeds, £1.89.(Did not grow 2012).
Phlox 'Mount Hampden' (Half Hardy Annual), Thompson Morgan Seeds. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / plastic bag / 25 per pot; more seed added 19 May 2012; no germination.
Poached Egg Plant 'Limnanthes Douglasii, (Hardy Annual), Carters Tested Seeds,100 seeds, 90p. (grew in 2010; self seed every year)
Potatoes 'Maris Peer'. (Scottish), Second Early, Homebase, £1.50. Planted outside in mid/end March 2012 direct in ground and in grow bags.
Potatoes 'Pentland Javelin' (Scottish), First Early, Homebase, £1.50. Sown 18 March 2012 grow in pots/bags x 2. Sown 8 April 2012 in the ground.
Poppy 'Danish Flag' (Hardy Annual), Carters Seeds, 900 seeds, 79p. Height: up to 30". Sown outside 14 April 2012 direct into ground. Beautiful flower; not very long lasting.
Pumpkin 'Jack O Lantern', Thompson Morgan Seeds. Sown indoor 12 April 2012 2 seeds/pot. Planted outside early June; poor weather/wind/gales/rain.
Pumpkin 'Mammoth', Thompson Morgan Seeds. Sown indoor 12 April 2012; 2 seeds/pot; defective germination; formed two leaves but then stopped growth; threw it out.
Radish 'Scarlet Globe', Mr Fothergill's, 1,000 seeds, £1.25. Sown 27 March 2012 / outside parsley pot; slow growth.
Radish ' Cherry Belle', National Trust Seeds.
Radish 'Red Meat' Mr Fothergills, 100 seeds, £1.49.
Radish 'Hilds blauer Herbst und Winter', Mr Fothergills, 200 seeds, £1.49.
Rocket, Thompson Morgan Seeds, £1.50.
Rocket, Mr Fothergills, 1000 seeds. Sown 14 April 2012 - bolted. Sown 17 June 2012.
Salad Mixed Lettuce, Carters, 1500 seeds, 79p. Sown 20 March 2012 / outside red tub. Sown 14 April 2012 windowsill.
Salad, Gourmet Mix, Thompson Morgan Seeds.
Spinach Beet 'Perpetual Spinach', Mr Fothergill's, 250 seeds, £1.65. Sown 27 March 2012 (outside/tub).
Spinach 'Bloomsdale Long Standing', Plant Hart's Seeds, US$1.39. Sown 20 May 2012 (tub).
Spinach 'Perpetual Leaf Beet', Carters Tested Seeds, 79p. Sown 12 April 2012 (outside/red box).
Radish 'Red Meat' Mr Fothergills, 100 seeds, £1.49.
Radish 'Hilds blauer Herbst und Winter', Mr Fothergills, 200 seeds, £1.49.
Rocket, Thompson Morgan Seeds, £1.50.
Rocket, Mr Fothergills, 1000 seeds. Sown 14 April 2012 - bolted. Sown 17 June 2012.
Salad Mixed Lettuce, Carters, 1500 seeds, 79p. Sown 20 March 2012 / outside red tub. Sown 14 April 2012 windowsill.
Salad, Gourmet Mix, Thompson Morgan Seeds.
Spinach Beet 'Perpetual Spinach', Mr Fothergill's, 250 seeds, £1.65. Sown 27 March 2012 (outside/tub).
Spinach 'Bloomsdale Long Standing', Plant Hart's Seeds, US$1.39. Sown 20 May 2012 (tub).
Spinach 'Perpetual Leaf Beet', Carters Tested Seeds, 79p. Sown 12 April 2012 (outside/red box).
Spring Onion 'White Lisbon', Carters Tested Seeds, 550 seeds, 79pence. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 20 per pot; 1/2 the seed germinated; planted outside 17 June 2012.
Sunflower 'Giant Single', (Hardy Annual), Mr Fothergill's, 75 seeds, £1.25. (grew in 2011)
Squash (Patty Pan White), Thompson Morgan Seeds. Sown indoor 8 April 2012; planted into tub outside 17 June 2012.
Squash (Winter) Sweet Dumpling, 10 seeds, Homebase, 39p. Sown 8 April 2012 / 2 per pot x 2; only 1 seed germinated. Re-sown 6 May 2012 / 2 per pot. 1 planted outside early June.
Sweet Pea 'Spencer Waved Mixed' (Hardy Annual), Kings Seeds.(Did not grow 2012).
Thyme, National Trust Seeds. Sown indoor May/June 2012: good germination.
Tomato (Nectar F1), Mr Fothergill's, 10 seeds, £2.99.(Did not grow 2012).
Tomato (Red Cherry), Mr Fothergill's, 50 seeds, £1.89. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 4 per pot; potted on 17 June 2012.
Tomato 'Gardener's Delight', Thompson Morgan, 20 seeds. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / 4 per pot; potted on 17 June 2012.
Turnip 'Purple Top Milan', Mr Fothergill's, 1,750 seeds, £1.49. Sown outside 20 March 2012 (red tub) - bolted. Sown outdoor 13 April 2012. Sown 4 May 2012 (indoor/modules; then planted outside in early June/veg box). Sown outdoor 20 May 2012.
Verbena Bonariensis (Hardy Perennial), Thompson Morgan seeds, £2.49. 200 seeds. Sown indoor 8 April 2012 / plastic bag / 20 per pot; only 1 germinated.
Zinnia 'Giants of California', American Seeds, 20 cents. Sown indoor 4 May 2012 in modules; planted outside 17 June 2012. Lovely flowers.