I love bees in the garden! I find them difficult to photograph as right when I snap they seem to move on to the next flower. The bees seem to be enjoying most plants including chives (pictured left), lupin, aquilegia / columbine, poached egg plant etc. It's great to seem them buzzing about.
From mid June onwards we've had lots of rain and very windy weather. This seems to have 'bent' my lupin flowers and I've had to put in extra stakes to give plants like lupin, delphinium and the tall aquilegia support.
Here's a little summary of what's been in bloom this month...
Above: Lupin in late June (after a beating by rain and wind). Below: Lupin in early June. I've been removing the finished flowers in the hope of a 2nd show of flowers, which will be smaller. |
Above and Below: more Lupin; these are younger plants more recently grown from seed and only put into the ground in early Spring this year. The pink geranium in the background of the photos self seed and easily divide so I've ended up with a huge pink border in the garden (sometimes I think it's a bit too pink!). The pink geranium will soon be getting the 'Chelsea chop' - cut all the way down so they will flower again later Summer. |
The delphinium have come into flower towards the end of June. |
Geranium, a great perennial plant, leaves have been nibbled by something. |
Above and Below -Orange coloured Poppy 'Golden Tears' self seed in the garden; I really enjoy them and wish I had more! They last all summer with deadheading. |
Saxifraga Urbium (thanks Sue for plant name) - this plants seems to multiply well in dry-ish conditions. |
Calendula self seed, however, I think these plants never died down over Winter. |
Aquilegia / columbine - I've been deadheading; for some varieties like the one pictured I think it has helped prolong the flowering. |
Nemophila 'Pennie Black', (Annual) seems to like where it's located. |
Climbing Hydrangea with climbing rose planted behind it. |
For June flowers not shown here view my June Blogger's Bloom Day post -
click here.
Copyright: All words and photos are property of Kelli's Northern Ireland Garden.