Malope - what a name for a plant! As there's been no frost (yet), my annuals are still flowering and the Malope are going strong.
This is the first time I've grown Malope and it has its pros and cons...

CON - They seemed to start off growing slow compared to other annuals grown from seed.
PRO - They give good height, up to 36 inches.
PRO - They make nice bushy plants (once they get going) and look well mixed with roses and most other bedding plants.
PRO - They have lovely flowers, and many flowers.
CON - The flowers seem to droop - I want them to stand at attention!
CON / PRO - It was only in Sept that the plants seemed to be at their best, bushy and full of flowers. (Suppose the weather etc has a part to play).
I ended up with more pink than white flowers. The white are lovely too.
Variety: Malope Excelsior Mixed, Hardy Annual, Carters Tested Seeds, 200 seeds, 79p. Sown 8 May 2011 indoor (high germination). June/July planted outside.
Verdict - I'll grow again next year!