I recently received "Mark's Veg Plot Chilli Award" and to mark the occasion I decided to sow peppers and hot chillis this weekend. I grew peppers last year for the first time and had reasonable success. Mark has inspired me to grow hot chillis this year. I hope I have as much success as Mark's Veg Plot. Northern Ireland has similar weather conditions as England so hoping for results. I do love hot chillis & can't wait to cook with them.
Pepper (Hot) Cayenne, Mr Fothergill's, 60 seeds, £1.89.
Pepper (California Wonder), Thompson & Morgan Seeds, 30 seeds, £1.50 per pack
Above: California Wonder Peppers. Photo taken 25 Sept 2010.
I also sowed the above herbs today indoors on a windowsill. It was extremely cold and windy outside today. Couldn't imagine trying to sow outside for awhile yet.
A couple of weeks ago I sowed Cress. Not the most interesting photo... however, cress has the wow factor. It's so so peppery flavoured, really delicious. I popped one little leaf in my mouth and wow a burst of HOT. A new salad must. Rocket #1, cress #2.
Variety: Cress Fine Curled, Mr Fothergill's, 4,000 seeds, £1.65 per pack.

I'd like to thank Elly of Elly's Tuin for awarding me the 'Stylish Blogger Award'. Elly has a very beautiful blog; it's so therapuetic and soothing. Her site is
I'd like to thank Mark for his blog award "Mark's Veg Plot Chilli Award". His blog caputures the interest of many and it's always one I regularly visit. One of my all time favourite posts (I'd seen nothing like it) is