This is the journal of my endeavours to grow a range of fruit, veg and flowers from seed, grow organically, and my attempts to create a personal paradise with 1/2 acre of maintained gardens and 1/2 acre wild meadows. Northern Ireland's average daily high temperatures are 18 °C (64 °F) in July and 6 °C (43 °F) in January. Soil type: Clay

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Carrots Pulled

Carrots finally pulled from the veg box this week - hooray.
I've been eating them (clean) au naturale.
Only a few with slug damage.


  1. We still have some carrots to lift - it will be a case of will we now eat them before they spoil

  2. What a tasty treat. I'm hoping to do better with my carrots this year, they taste so much nicer when home grown.

  3. And after all they've been through I bet they still taste better than supermarket carrots.

  4. Lovely - nothing better than fresh carrots

  5. No carrot fly damage! If only...

  6. Your carrots look great, Kelli. It is so nice to have fresh, organic veggies to eat, especially in winter.

  7. Wow. The carrots look wonderful for having been in the ground for so long . They look fresh and ready for a salad or the soup pot. Tweeting -- no. I barely tolerate Facebook and still don't text. Technology has been part of my job, but I have been fascinated with it from the purchase of my first Mac when I went to grad school I 1989. So here I am today trying to figure out the cloud. Hope you have a good week end.

  8. Yum Crunchy.
    I just started to sow some carrot seeds last month.
    My son kept asking when he can pull some ;).
