Earlier in the week I popped into B&M (pound/dollar store) and I found that all their spring bulbs were marked down to 25p per bag. I thought this was a good buy as the packs are normally £1.99 or higher. (I imagine the quality will be ok.)

I bought four different varieties; I'm not too sure what the difference is between a Specie crocus and a Botanical crocus & not bothered to google it. I was just thrilled I found some on sale! Varieties: Crocus Botanical Mixed (40 bulbs) which flower Feb-March; Crocus Large Flowering Purple (25 bulbs); Specie Crocus Mixed (75 bulbs) and Narcissi Minnow (30 bulbs). I'm a fan of the miniature daffodil/narcissi as they don't get damaged in the strong wind we get in early spring.
Working in the garden I spotted some crocus planted in previous years in one of my borders already coming through. Signs of Spring already!
The site supervisor, Jammie, oversees the bulb planting. She finds it hard to get her body and all her paws on the post.
Only a few days ago I was walking through snow - this is the view one morning as I was going to work.
That bottom picture---What a beautiful sky! I like your site supervisor--seems to take his job quite seriously! I can't believe that under the snow there were crocus just waiting to pop through!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about the crocus. Signs of spring already! I love the seasons and the ebb and flo of garden life. You have much more ebb and flo than I do. :-)
ReplyDeleteKelli, your photos just get better and better. 10/10 for the sunrise one; 10/10 for the Jammie one...
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to see whether there is any significant difference between the bargain bulbs you bought and the normal full-price ones. None, I suspect! I'm also a fan of the miniature Narcissi, for the same reason as you. I find that the taller ones just get beaten down by wind and rain.
Your garden will be so colourful in spring when all those bulbs pop up. What a gorgeous sky photo.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments! (I'm trying to improve my photography; we can have quite poor lighting in NI, suppose the rest of UK & Ireland is much the same).