This is the journal of my endeavours to grow a range of fruit, veg and flowers from seed, grow organically, and my attempts to create a personal paradise with 1/2 acre of maintained gardens and 1/2 acre wild meadows. Northern Ireland's average daily high temperatures are 18 °C (64 °F) in July and 6 °C (43 °F) in January. Soil type: Clay

Sunday 15 May 2011

Blogger's Bloom Day

It's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - the 15th of every month.

Here's what's blooming...

Left: Centaurea (possibly Centaurea Montana).
California yellow Poppy; not sure what the purple plant is called. I see it in loads of gardens.
Lupin Russell Mix with purple Bugle in the background.
Poached Egg Plant 'Limnanthes Douglasii' grown from seed. Hardy annual that self seeds. The seed pack says its a good companion plant to roses as it attracts hoverflies which feed on greenfly.
Hawthorn tree flowers.
Name? It seems to self seed, maybe an annual of some sort.

Strawberry plants in flower.

Aquilegia Long Spurred Hybrid.

Armeria - I've seen these growing on our Irish beaches along the rocks.

More on Bloom Day:


  1. Very pretty blooms! I had to run out in the rain to take some today, but haven't got the post up yet. Poached egg plant?! I love it! Have never heard of that before.

  2. Oh, so many lovely blooms! And here is a story about lilacs! When your grandmother was a young woman, her sweetheart, your grandfather, picked her a bouquet of lilacs and she never, ever forgot it! Then about 50 years or so after they were married, he saw lilacs in a neighbors' yard, and asked for a few to take her! I suppose it was their special flower.

  3. pretty! Love your lilacs and JEALOUS of your sweet poppies!

  4. These all seem very early. Poached egg plant already! I would say end of June in Scottish terms.

  5. All very, very nice Irish plants! You are way ahead of us in Ontario, Canada. At least my part!

    Cheers and Happy GBBD.

  6. Beautiful flowers! Love your lupines and I'll have to check out that poached egg plant! Despite the name, it's cute! Happy GBBD! Loved Egretta's story about the lilacs. Doesn't that make your lilacs even more special? I love sentimental attachments to plants like that.

  7. Kelli, you have such beautiful blooms right now! Your lilac is looking spectacular :) I've never seen poached egg plant before, it's very pretty. I think it would like under my roses! Happy Bloom Day! Cheers, Jenni

  8. Hi Kelli,

    I've just found your blog and have to say how much I love your photos, what beautiful flowers, I especially love the Hawthorn tree and the lilac, the scent must be stunning. How lovely to see the Armeria growing wild at a beach.

    Keep growing and snapping!

  9. You have some very lovely flowers! Could the plant that is blooming with the California yellow poppy be squill/scilla (a bulb)? It is a pretty combination.

  10. Your garden looks so beautiful. Here the daffodils and tulips are fading, the lilacs are coming on, and then the iris will bloom in a few weeks. I am anxious.

  11. The lilac is lovely, I bet you're getting the most wonderful scent from it. Ours here is starting to fade now, I hope it holds on a little longer though yet.

  12. Love your Azaleas & Aquilegias! Happy GBBD!

  13. Lovely spring flowers in your lovely garden! Ah I can't wait for poppy to bloom when I saw your cheerful poppy. Still along way to go, your are blooming and our are just tiny seedlings. Thank you for sharing your lovely blooms!

  14. Hi Kelli, you seemed to have winter long after us down here but you have more flowers in bloom than we have now?!

  15. Lovely post! I think the blue/purple mystery plant is Hyacinthoides (Spanish Bluebell).

  16. Wonderful post... the lupines are particularly beautiful! Larry
