This is the journal of my endeavours to grow a range of fruit, veg and flowers from seed, grow organically, and my attempts to create a personal paradise with 1/2 acre of maintained gardens and 1/2 acre wild meadows. Northern Ireland's average daily high temperatures are 18 °C (64 °F) in July and 6 °C (43 °F) in January. Soil type: Clay

Monday 12 May 2014

Garden Show Ireland Photos (1)

Over the weekend, gardening was the buzzword alongside the Giro d'Italia world cycling race, both taking place in Northern Ireland. It was a great weekend and the colour pink popped up everywhere to support the race... even at the garden show (left).

The garden show took place at Antrim Castle Gardens, the location where my gardening group volunteers so we had the opportunity to work the plant creche at the show and had a super time. Here's a little snapshot of what I found interesting, eye catching or inspirational...
Above & Below: ‘The Kitchen Garden’ - really creative and fun with an herb/edible checked floor and lots of kitchen drawers stuffed with plants. This design is a Team Garden Challenge by South Eastern Regional College and supported by the Enkalon Foundation.

Above & Below: This luxury 5 star garden is called ‘Family Today’ - superb looking and cosy; however, I don’t think I could afford it! Some great ideas that could be incorporated into everyday gardens. I adore this garden! Part of the Ulster Television (UTV) Show Garden Design Competition, designed by Ryan Magee.

Above: ‘A Room For All Seasons’ this isn't my garden style but it looked sharp and had some great features. Part the Ulster Television (UTV) Show Garden Design Competition designed by Michael O’Reilly and Garry Foran. 
A lovely, cosy country garden - just my cup of tea! This design is called ‘Think Thyme’ designed by Marie Lavender and landscaped by Reconnect, a charity helping those with acquired brain injury.
So much inspiration and creativity at these shows! In the coming weeks I'll be going to the Chelsea Flower Show - very excited about this!

If you want to compare this year's Garden Show Ireland designs with last year - click here.

Copyright: All words and photos are property of Kelli's Northern Ireland Garden.


  1. The kitchen garden looks fun.
    We're bored of all the hype about Le Tour de France which is starting in Yorkshire this year. Something has been on local news every night for an age.

  2. I would imagine that you came home with a lot new . My dream life would include traveling to exotic place to visit various gardens and flower shows.

  3. I love the bottom photo, that's exactly how I want my seating area to be outside.

  4. These gardens are so imaginative and clever - I love them

  5. I think that "Kitchen Garden" is great. Presumably the saucepans and cutlery are stored in the garden shed...

  6. That herb tiled floor must have taken some time to sort out. I love the way the table legs and chair legs avoid resting on the herbs themselves.

  7. I've never been to a gardening show like this, but it looks like fun! I think the last garden is my favorite. It feels intimate and a bit secret.

  8. It is difficult to pick a favourite. Everything look pretty.

  9. How exciting that you are goings to the Chelsea garden show this year! Wish I could go with you! I, too, really like the last garden you looks like such a relaxing, quiet place. I like all the displays...what great ideas.

  10. I always enjoy seeing other people's garden shows from around the country, and around the world. I like to compare them to mine, because the others always looks SO much better! I do love the kitchen garden featured, from plants coming out of the kitchen drawers to the checkerboard "carpeting"! I'm sure you had a wonderful time taking it all in, and deciding if there was anything you could implement at home.
